Frequently asked questions
What if it rains?
Great! The children love to experience the rain, jumping in puddles and catching water in saucepans for cooking in the 'mud kitchen'. The children are appropriately dressed in waterproofs and boots (see kit list). The trees provide a natural canopy and we use tarpaulins to create more shelter to play under if necessary.

Do we go out in all weathers?
Well most. It’s only high winds that will stop us going out into the woods because of the danger of falling branches. In very cold weather the children will be dressed up warmly and remain active. We do have the option of going indoors, with plenty of space to play and learn. But yes, mostly we will be outdoors.
What if the children need a rest?
We know that it’s important for the children to have periods of proper rest during the day. There are natural breaks in the day when the children sit and talk or just relax. We have a pop-up tent with sleeping bags for cold weather and hammocks for warmer weather.
What is the ratio of adults to children?
At least 1 adult for every 4 children.
Are the children provided with lunch?
Kenwood, all year round — no, all day children bring a packed lunch.
Highgate, April–October — no, all day children bring a packed lunch.
Highgate, November–March — yes, a hot lunch is provided for all day children.
Do the children need to be toilet-trained?

No. We have a toilet tent and facilities to change children if needed.
Can my child attend part-time?
Yes, but we ask for a minimum of two full day sessions for continuity for the children.
Can my child attend half days (morning or afternoons) only?
No, sorry – we no longer offer half day places.
What clothes do I need to buy?
See our Kit list page.
How can I register?
To book a place for your child or to register an interest, please get in touch via our online form.
Do you accept childcare vouchers from employers?