outdoor nursery


Fees and opening times

The nurseries and Forest School Clubs operate during Haringey school term times and are closed during school holidays. See below for term dates.

Term dates 2024–2025

Autumn 1 (2024)

Monday 2 September* - Friday 25 October (7 weeks 4 days)

*The nursery will be closed on 2 September for staff training.

Autumn 2 (2024)

Monday 4 November - Friday 20 December (7 weeks)

Spring 1 (2025)

Monday 6 January* - Friday 14 February (5 weeks 4 days)

*The nursery will be closed on Thursday 9 January for staff training.

Spring 2 (2025)

Monday 24 February - Friday 4 April (6 weeks)

Summer 1 (2025)

Tuesday 22 April - Friday 23 May (4 weeks 3 days)*

*The nursery will be closed on the following days:
– Tuesday 22 April staff training,
– Monday 5 May for May bank holiday.

Summer 2 (2025)

Monday 2 June - Tuesday 22 July (7 weeks 2 days)

Term dates 2025–2026

Autumn 1 (2025)

Monday 1 September* - Friday 24 October (7 weeks 4 days)

*The nursery will be closed for staff training for one day during the first week – date TBC.

Autumn 2 (2025)

Monday 3 November - Friday 19 December (7 weeks)

Spring 1 (2026)

Monday 5 January* - Friday 13 February (5 weeks 4 days)

*The nursery will be closed for staff training for one day during the first week – date TBC.

Spring 2 (2026)

Monday 23 February - Friday 27 March (5 weeks)

Summer 1 (2026)

Monday 13 April - Friday 22 May (5 weeks 3 days)*

*The nursery will be closed on the following days:
– Staff training - in the first week, date TBC,
– Monday 4 May for May bank holiday.

Summer 2 (2026)

Monday 1 June - Monday 20 July (7 weeks 1 day)

Session times

  • ​We now offer whole day sessions only, which run from 9.00am to 3.30pm

Our fees – from 1 April 2025

£84.70 per day

This is subject to a yearly increase.

Highgate –  winter season, November–March

Please note – we decide Winter lunch arrangements for Highgate on a yearly basis. Cafe lunches may be an option for an extra charge, which will depend on the cost of providing the lunch. Depending on what works best for the children, we may still require packed lunches throughout the Winter. At Kenwood, the children bring packed lunches all year round.

Enrolment fee

There is a £120 one-off fee payable on enrolment, to cover enrolment costs and the provision of a good quality rucksack and waterproofs.

15 hour nursery funding for 3–4 year olds

There are a limited number of places funded through the Government 15 hours scheme. For more details, please give us a call.